About Us – Dan
Daniel R. Gray
Turlock Police Sergeant, Ret.
President / Lead Instructor, Trident Firearms Academy LLC
3430 Tully Road Suite 20-211 Modesto CA 95350
PH: (209) 535-0077
EMAIL: [email protected]
NRA LED Instructor # 40170944
California DOJ Instructor #200396
Thirty years of rural and urban law enforcement experience with emphasis on instruction and application of weapons, tactics, training and supervision.
Thirty plus years of professional training experience, planning and developing new courses of instruction, updating course offerings and maintaining / expanding the Turlock Police training center and firearms range. Providing training for numerous local and state law enforcement agencies as well as classes to citizens and recruit trainees at the Regional Criminal Justice Training Center in Modesto. Providing firearms training to new instructors at numerous local, state, federal, and military organizations across the United States for the NRA Law Enforcement Division (LED). Former Adjutant Instructor in tactical shotgun and handgun for Gunsite Training Center in Arizona. Owner of Trident Firearms Academy LLC, a private company teaching law enforcement, military, and citizen firearms safety courses, home defense, and concealed carry (CCW) for pistol, as well as shotgun, and rifle courses. Guest instructor for shotgun dynamics at the FBI Academy, Quantico, Virginia. Involved in three officer involved shootings, shot in the line of duty Oct. 1, 2001. No disabilities, returned to full duty.
Possess an elevated knowledge of law enforcement training facility administration, budgeting, operation, and subordinate supervision. Constantly striving to update, improve, modify, and enhance the firearms training program to provide the best and safest court defensible training for civilian and law enforcement personnel. Personal training philosophy in regards to firearms training; “Bring the Street to the Range”.
Retired from the Turlock Police Department after thirty years of law enforcement service in 2007.
Currently employed as an adjunct instructor for the National Rifle Association (NRA) Law Enforcement Division (LED) April 2007-present. Employed by the South Bay Regional Public Safety Training Consortium, San Jose California, as a firearms instructor for in-service, and Force Options Simulator, and Field Training Officer Instructor. Vice President of Sales and Training for Force Training Solution’s Inc., and President/Founder, Lead Instructor for Trident Firearms Academy LLC.
Eighty-two units towards Associate of Arts degree, Modesto Junior College / Merced City College. FBI National Academy Graduate Session 199.
Instructor Certifications
Academy Instructor Certification Course (AICC) California POST, South Bay Regional Public Safety Consortium, San Jose, California.
Lead Firearms Instructor, Ray Simon Criminal Justice Training Center, Modesto 1997 to 2007, teaching handgun, shotgun, patrol carbine, PC 832 Reserve firearms proctor, Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) classes, firearms instructor development classes, and basic academy firearms training.
Former Adjutant instructor, Gunsite Training Center, Arizona 1996
Turlock Police Department Lead Firearms Instructor and Rangemaster. 1979-2007.
FBI certified Rangemaster/instructor, 1979 Sonora PD / FBI.
National Rifle Association (NRA) Handgun / Shotgun Instructor
National Rifle Association (NRA) Tactical Handgun Instructor
National Rifle Association (NRA) Precision Scoped Rifle Instructor
National Rifle Association (NRA) Tactical Shotgun Instructor
National Rifle Association (NRA) Less Lethal Munitions Instructor
National Rifle Association (NRA) Tactical Patrol Rifle Instructor
National Rifle Association (NRA) Tactical Shooting Instructor
National Rifle Association (NRA) Select Fire Instructor (submachine gun and machine gun certifications)
National Rifle Association (NRA) Range Safety Officer Certification
National Rifle Association (NRA) Range Development & Operations
Survival Shooting Instructor. Santa Rosa Training Center
Carbine/ Tactical Rifle Instructor, Morrigan Consulting, Clovis Ca. 1998
Train the Trainer instructor certification, CSTI. San Luis Obispo.
M.K.Ballistics Inc. Less Lethal Extended Range Impact Weapon Instructor.
Less Lethal Instructor Course, National Training Concepts (POST) 2014
Combat Shotgun Instructor, Contra Costa County Sheriff.
Low Light Firearms Instructor certification, Streamlight Academy
Basic Firearms Safety Course Instructor. State of California certified.
Shoot House Instructor, Law Enforcement Training Camp (LETC) Provo, Utah.
Shoot House Instructor Certification, Fox Valley Technical College Team 1
Force Options Instructor Certification, San Jose PD. 2004
Glock certified Firearms Instructor
Additional Certifications
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) National Academy Graduate, Session 199
Dignitary Security, California DOJ, Secret Service
Expert ratings in Basic, Intermediate, Advanced Handgun and Tactical Shotgun, Gunsite Training Center.
Close Quarters Combat, Beale AFB, CA.
Improvised Weapons, BATFE, Sacramento office.
Glock certified Armorer.
Officer Involved Shooting Investigation, CA. DOJ, Sacramento office.
Action Target Company, Provo Utah. Range Management for the 90’s,
Oregon Firearms Academy, Glock Defensive Handgun. (Gold level certification)
Front Sight Training Institute. Defensive Pistol Course. (Distinguished Graduate)
ITTS. International Tactical Training Seminars, Los Angeles. All Vehicle Defense.
Crowd Control Instructor, Santa Rosa Training Center.
Professional Associations
International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors (IALEFI)
International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association (ILEETA)
National Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor Association (NLEFIA) Charter Member#13.
Member, National Rifle Association. (Life Member) (NRA)
FBI National Academy Association (Both Fed. and California chapters)
National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA)
California Pistol and Rifle Association (Life Member)
Law Enforcement Experience
Escalon Police Department, California, Reserve Officer 1976 to 1977
Stanislaus County Sheriff, California, Reserve Deputy Sheriff 1977
Stanislaus County Sheriff, California, Deputy Sheriff, 1977-1979
City of Turlock Police Department, California, 1979 to 2007
Patrol Operations 1979 to 1987
Detective Bureau 1987 to 1989 Gang Unit
Promoted to Sergeant, 1989, Patrol Operations
Supervisor Street Crimes Unit (SCU) 1998 to 2000.
CAGE Unit Supervisor (Gang Unit) 1987-2007
Supervisor / Watch Commander Sergeant.
Turlock Police Firearms Instructor 1979 to 2007
Turlock Police Rangemaster, Training Center Director, 1994 to 2007
Action Target Inc., Provo Utah. Training and Consulting firearms instructors and agencies in use of various target systems. California Field Representative.
National Rifle Association (NRA) Adjunct Instructor, Law Enforcement Division, April 2007 to present.
South Bay RPSTC Instructor, Force Options Simulator, FI Instructor Course (80 hour), FTO Initial and Update, Patrol Rifle Instructor Course (40 hour)