About Us – Gene
Gene Whisenand
Private Investigator/Qualified Manager – CA-Investigations
Lead Instructor – Trident Firearms Academy, LLC
P.O. Box 1319, Salida, CA 95368
EMAIL: [email protected]
NRA LED Instructor # 168421939
10 Years as a Navy Corpsman attached to the United States Marine Corps (6.5 years Active Duty and 3.5 years in the Reserves), Veteran of the Cold War, Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm. Many of those years spent as an instructor for Emergency/Trauma Medicine.
I received an Honorable Discharge from the United States Navy in 1995.
I worked in Emergency Medicine in the East San Francisco Bay Area, part time and later full time, between 1989 through 1997; worked in the field and in a hospital emergency/trauma room.
I have been a private investigator since 2001 becoming a Qualified Manager and sole proprietor of CA Investigations in 2007.
I received my Concealed Weapons Permit in 2000 from Stanislaus County and have sought instruction in the defense use of firearms since then.
I have been a competitive shooter since the early nineties; competing in IDPA, IPSC, Cowboy Action Shooting and various long range shooting events.
In 2009 I partnered with Dan Gray to form Trident Firearms Academy LLC, a private company teaching law enforcement, military, and citizen firearms safety courses, home defense, and concealed carry for pistol, as well as shotgun, and rifle courses. We constantly strive to update, improve, modify, and enhance the firearms training program to provide the best and safest, court defensible training for civilian and law enforcement personnel. Personal training philosophy in regards to firearms training; “Bring the Street to the Range”.
Military Vocational Training – Corpsman (Specializing in Emergency Medicine) NEC 8404
Instructor Certificates
Certified Glock Armorer (2013)
National Rifle Association (Law Enforcement Division) Handgun Instructor (2011)
National Rifle Association (Law Enforcement Division) Handgun/Shotgun Instructor (2011)
National Rifle Association Range Safety Officer Certification (2010)
National Rifle Association (Law Enforcement Division) Handgun/Shotgun Instructor (2010)
Trident Firearms Academy Tactical Handgun Instructor (2009)
Trident Firearms Academy Tactical Shotgun Instructor (2009)
Trident Firearms Academy Tactical Carbine Instructor (2009)
National Rifle Association (Law Enforcement Division) Patrol Rifle Instructor (2009)
Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician (EMT-1A) Instructor (US Navy 1989-1993)
Emergency Vehicle Operation Course Instructor (US Navy 1989 – 1993)
Unit Training Petty Officer (US Navy 1990 – 1993)
Non-Commissioned Officer Leadership Course (1990)
Additional Certificates
Glock Certified Armorer (Gustine Police Department – 2013)
PC 832 Firearms Course (Modesto Junior College – 1999)
Tactical Handgun (Yavapai Shooting Academy – Louis Awerbuck – 2003)